Friday, January 1, 2021

Should You Hire a Cleaning Service


Should You Hire a Cleaning Service When Selling a Home?

Selling a house comes with a lot of costs: real estate commissions, repairs, taxes. So when it comes to getting your home professionally cleaned, it’s tempting to DIY to save some cash. But not only is deep cleaning time-consuming, sellers who skimp on professional cleaning might not get the results their buyers are hoping for. If you’re debating whether a cleaning service is worth your hard-earned money, here’s what you need to know.


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Q: How important is cleanliness when selling a home?


A: A lot of factors affect your home’s sales price. In addition to local market conditions, these are some things that influence an offer:


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Q: What should sellers clean before listing a home?


A: Cleaning house sounds easy enough — until you realize everything that needs to be done. These are the major tasks on a home seller’s to-do list.


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Q: Is professional cleaning expensive?


A: Most sellers who shy away from professional cleaning services are worried about cost, but meeting buyers’ expectations is less expensive than you might think. Use these resources to learn more.


Is Hiring a Home Cleaning Service or Maid Worth It?

House Cleaning Prices and Rates

7 Tips for Hiring a Cleaning Service


Professional cleaning may not be cheap, but when you’re selling a home, it’s worth every penny. When you invest in professional house cleaning, you can list your home knowing you’re putting your best foot forward.


ARTICLE COURTESY OF Tina Martin / Ideaspired

1 comment:

  1. Supervised and professional sanitation is needed to protect workers and prevent the spread of the new virus. The whole job must be well cleaned to avoid the spread of viruses. Employee well-being is more important than ever before. Many companies have chosen a clean alternative for the climate. Commercial cleaning services New Jersey should use green-cleaning fabrics to avoid leaving toxins in the environment. Water cleaning services may not be contaminated by scented cleaners, which can cause allergic reactions in some people. You will need excellent and clean air in a safe and sustainable climate.
